The battle between truth & lies….

We’re just getting breaking news that Mueller interviewed Jeff Sessions last week, so the drama surrounding this scandal keeps growing!

The overwhelming evidence shows there was some kind of partnership going on between the Trump campaign & the Kremlin.  We also know Russia interfered in our election.  Putting two and two together, it appears something nefarious was going on, which we need to find out to what extent their bond crossed over into illegalities. It appears to me from my extensive research studying the evidence released to the public so far, that Russian collusion & then obstruction of justice are practically a certainty.  Proving it just takes time.  So with the investigations needing to find the facts, Trump & his stooges are doing everything possible to try & hide the facts.  This past week with all the hullabaloo about the shutdown, it has helped take the attention away from the congressional Russian investigations, including the ridiculous gambit Nunes & other House members are trying to pull off with a phony release the memo charade.  In attempting to call into question the original DOJ/FBI surveillance, they’re simply diverting the focus away from the scandal & discrediting Mueller’s investigation.  Nunes & other Trump puppets have tried to pull off similar conspiracy theories in the past, but none of their concocted scandals had much substance to them as they soon faded from view.


But the bigger point is maybe having these congressional investigations stalled down in hyper-partisanship may not necessarily be a bad thing.  While Trump & his compliant congressional investigators are using all means necessary to cover up criminal activities done by the Trump campaign, it’s possible Dem congressional investigators might be fine with their witnesses not answering important questions &/or the White House issuing gag orders for those witnesses.  With the GOP investigators clearly revealing themselves to be a part of the problem rather than the solution, since they’re more engaged in obstruction by suppressing the facts instead of uncovering them, it may be for the best they’re not hearing the most critical witness testimony, since they’d only try to twist it in a way to smear the evidence.  So the more the most damaging of the evidence is NOT released to GOP congressional investigators, the White House, the media & the public, the more Mueller can fly under the radar as his team does their work.  The Mueller probe is the one that’s better equipped to hit pay dirt anyway, not the congressional probes.


As far as the related articles below, we always begin with Russian updates.  The more we learn, the more compelling the evidence becomes for Russian collusion & the subsequent cover-up.  There are also indications of money laundering under the links Follow the Money, which could help lead to the discoveries of other crimes.  Also see the links where Papadopoulos’ girlfriend says he will be remembered like John Dean of Watergate fame…..interesting.  Christopher Wray showed a lot of backbone in standing up to Trump & Sessions, who had pressured him to fire those in the bureau who had confided in Comey.  Trump again violates the independent nature of the DOJ/FBI, & as we’ve seen with Sessions & anybody else who does Trump’s bidding, the prez corrupts everyone in his orbit.  This ongoing attempt to politicize the intelligence agencies & wanting to fire those who refuse to be his puppets, it’s not only reckless & sets a dangerous precedent, but it also provides more evidence of obstruction, much like the firing of Comey.


Make sure you see the two videos further on down the Russian sections under Mueller Videos, which both play off the same theme.  The first one is an MSNBC segment from the AM Joy show interviewing a professor who predicted Trump’s win in the presidential election.  Now he predicts Trump’s impeachment as he speculates with the huge amount of circumstantial evidence the public knows of already, there’ll come a day when Bob Mueller will release evidence that “shocks the world, shocks the country.”  Speaking of Mueller, the next link is a YouTube video where Mueller is behind the news desk on SNL, as he/she provides us with reassurances the problem in the White House will soon be taken care of.  From there we have a section showing Russian bots to this day are bombarding us with fake news.  Under foreign threats, we find our reputation around the world is nosediving, our diplomatic efforts have been neutered, & there may be U.S. intelligence intercepts showing how the Chinese corrupted Kushner.

Trumpeters like to point toward the economy & the courts as reasons to sing his praises, but any temporary gains can’t compare to the long-term destruction the prez will be leaving in his wake.  So consider this: In just one year in the White House, our divisive prez managed to normalize deception & scorn in making America a lesser place, but as we see in these next 3 paragraphs taken from the article donald-trump-is-destroying-the-united-states-standing-in-the-world-and-the-dictators-couldnt-be-happier, the greatest damage he’s doing could be to the entire world: 

A recently released Gallup survey of 134 countries, the world now prefers China as a global leader to the United States. Median global approval of U.S. leadership fell 18 percentage points in just one year, by far the largest single-year decline. The world’s view of U.S. leadership is lower now than it has been at any point in the history of that poll. The Gallup survey adds to similarly catastrophic findings from Pew Research. After just six months of Trump, confidence in U.S. leadership fell 75 percentage points in Germany, 70 points in France, 57 points in Britain and 54 points in Japan. Even long-standing U.S. allies no longer have faith in the White House.

Unfortunately for the forces of democracy, Trump’s America is willfully abdicating global leadership and turning inward as “America First” rapidly morphs into “America Alone.” The European Union’s foreign policy has long been splintered, but it, too, is turning inward as it struggles to cope with Brexit and the rise of authoritarian populism within its borders (notably in Hungary and Poland). China and Russia are only too happy to fill the void. Those shifts matter. According to Freedom House’s new report, the world became more authoritarian in 71 countries during 2017, continuing and deepening an alarming 12-year trend. The democratic recession is accelerating. As the report notes: “Democracy faced its most serious crisis in decades” in 2017. It is not a coincidence that authoritarianism is surging globally at a moment when Trump is in the White House. His impulses and instincts are strikingly authoritarian. Just consider his relentless attacks on the press, his calls to jail his opponents, his entourage of family members and generals, his attempts to undermine the rule of law by politicizing it, and his administration’s laundry list of ethics violations.

Such behavior undercuts efforts by U.S. diplomats or the State Department to press foreign autocrats on their own abuses. After all, U.S. pressure to respect freedom of the press and affirm the critical role journalists play in a democratic society rings a bit hollow when the president of the United States touts his “Fake News Awards” and refers to the press as “the enemy of the people” or a “stain on America.” Authoritarian regimes haven’t missed this obvious signal. Several regimes have started decrying reports about their own human rights abuses as “fake news.” Indeed, Burma’s government has even claimed that its mass atrocities against the Rohingya ethnic minority are “fake news,” too. 2017 saw the highest number of journalists jailed around the world since records of those figures began. But is that really a surprise when Donald Trump joked about journalists being “spies” in the Philippines, a place where more than 100 journalists have been murdered since the early 1990s? And while Trump’s use of the word “shithole” shatters our reputation in Africa, China is investing heavily in the continent, subverting U.S. influence there.

russian collusion with polling numbers

In the Stormy group, it’s been disclosed they may be looking into the legalities surrounding the payoff to porn star/mistress Stormy Daniels.  Also click on the link stormy-daniels-reveals-donald-trump-is-a-lot-like-harvey-weinstein for an interesting read.  The next group we find millions around the world took part in the women’s marches, invigorated by the person of Trump & the #MeToo movement.  It looks like their enthusiasm will cause a wave election in November we can call the pink wave.  From there we conclude with lots of links about all the damage Trump has done.  At the one-year anniversary of our disingenuous & divisive president’s reign, we see stunningly unprecedented polling where a majority of Americans strongly disapprove of Trump.  His chaotic first year seemed more like a decade.  That last section has so many spot-on articles, it’s hard to single out just one or two, so I ask you please peruse the link titles & click on the ones which most strike your fancy.

Views from the far-left….
I include the Daily Kos links since there are times it’s necessary to go to extremes to counter the extreme far-right echo…